Group Session Booking Form

    E-Mail Money Transfer to or dropped off at the Academy in Cash.

    All fees are non-refundable.

    All form fields are mandatory, except for the vaccine section

    Please Select Your Class:
    (Sessions run 6 weeks $185.)

    Start Date Requested:

    Your Name

    Street Address



    Postal Code

    Phone Number

    Mobile Phone Number

    Your Email

    Dog's Name


    Dog's Age

    Dog's Birthday




    I have read and agree to the following conditions

    I understand and agree that The Dog Nanny shall not be liable for any injury or damage to any person, animal or property which results from the training or behaviour of my pet. I also understand and agree that any child under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by an adult. I further agree that The Dog Nanny and its employees shall not be held liable for any costs or expenses incurred as a result of my pet’s participation in the program. The Dog Nanny reserves the right to refuse or terminate training and behavioural services of any pet at any time.

    I Agree

    (be sure to agree, and fill all required fields)